Software Engineer.

In pursuing a computer science degree, I've already started exploring the multifaceted landscape of software engineering, including captivating realms like big data, AI and network security.

A Little Bit About Me...

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Francesco Coniglione and his brother (Vincenzo Coniglione) at Disney World.


Born on February 29, my parents instilled in me the importance of hard work and resilience. These lessons have been my guiding principles throughout my life, helping me to not only succeed but to exceed expectations at every opportunity.

A patients' gift of cookies to the staff members at Whitfield-Guardian Pharmacy during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Shortly after beginning high school, I embraced a part-time role as a front shop clerk at a neighborhood drug store. Within just a year, I advanced within the company, assuming the responsibilities of a pharmacy assistant.

Francesco Coniglione with his family at his high school graduation in June 2021.


In June 2021, I fast-tracked high school and obtained my Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). Immediately, with the intent of becoming a physician-scientist, I went on to pursue a Bachelor of Science at the University of Toronto.

A photograph outside of Canadian Blood Services located in Heartland Town Centre in Missisauga, Ontario.


After volunteering at Canadian Blood Services and Etobicoke General Hospital, I quickly realized that medicine was not my true calling. In September 2022, I transferred to Lakehead University and changed my major to computer science.

TD Credit Card Refresh 2022 staff cookies.


Today, I am pursuing my education while simultaneously employed at Toronto-Dominion Bank. Additionally, I engage in freelance web design while honing my Python and Java proficiency through self-initiated software development projects.

Skills & Technologies

Below are the skills, tools, and technologies that I use to craft cutting-edge solutions, drive innovation, and bring projects to life.

Check Out Some Of My Favorite Coding Projects

Frim - Startup Technologies

Frim is a small development company that builds business solution software for startup ventures. The website is built using React.js, Node.js and PostgreSQL to display dynamic data. Deployed with Render, is still under development with digital products to be released in sequence.

Merit - SRMS

Merit is a comprehensive student result management system, built with Express.js, Node.js, and React.js. Please be aware that the live version of the project does not include CRUD operations or data. For a fully functional experience, feel free to clone the GitHub repository linked below.

Saturn CRM Concept

Saturn CRM, a visionary customer relationship management system in conceptual stages, represents a blend of Node.js, Express.js, and pug technologies. The development experienced challenges in establishing a robust database structure and seamless PostgreSQL connections. Saturn CRM remains actively in development.

VeggiTales e-Commerce

VeggiTales is a vibrant e-commerce platform specializing in fresh produce, developed with ASP.NET and a sprinkle of JSON magic. This dynamic site empowers users to seamlessly check out as guests or establish accounts, offering secure payment options through Stripe integration.

Delving Deep Into The World Of Technology

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